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INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSENTOMOTROPICA. Revision July 1998. The Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología publishes the Bulletin in July and December, and the Monographic Series at irregular intervals. Original papers on neotropical entomological fauna will be considered for publication following a wide concept of Entomology that includes Parainsecta (Collembola, etc.), but also arachnids and myriapods. Difference beteween the two series is basically of size, the Monographic Series will accomodate works over 80 printed pages at the current format. All the manuscripts will be reviewed by 3 specialists in the area who will suggest to the Editorial Committee (CE) its publication or not. The final decision of acceptance of a manuscript rests upon the CE. The Bulletin publishes the following types of works:
Cost per printed page in the Bulletin or in the Monographic Series is US $10.00 (members of the SVE), and US $15.00 (non members). Fifty (50) reprints will be given to the author (or to the first co-author), without additional costs. Manuscripts We will publish works in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The manuscript should be as concise as possible. An original (with title and the author's name) and three copies (without the author's name) must be sent, with "resumen" (Spanish abstract) "Palabras clave adicionales" (Spanish additional keywords), abstract, additional keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgments, and references. After its acceptance by the CE, the author will send a copy in 3.5" diskette formatted for MS-DOS, in Word 6.0TM or higher for Microsoft WindowsTM or Corel WordPerfectTM. ASCII text files are acceptable. The graphics, drawings and plates should be of artistic quality, handed out separately and properly identified on the back. Pictures and slides should be of good quality and they should clearly show the subject to be reproduced. For the electronic edition the authors can send originals of the graphics and/or pictures in diverse electronic formats (GIF, JPEG, TIF, WMF, CGM, etc), for further information contact the CE. For the organization and presentation of the manuscript it is recommended to follow the example of works published in the Bulletin, starting July 1998. The title should be brief and precise, written in normal and lowercase letters. The scientific names of genera/subgenera and species/subspecies should be underlined and accompanied by the respective author's name, in not abbreviated form, and with the year of publication. Full addresses should be given for all autors. Resumen and Abstract should be representative of the work and not merely indicative of their content. It is recommended to keep it under 200 words. Palabras clave adicionales and additional keywords should be ordered alphabetically and inserted after the Resumen and the Abstract, respectively. They should not be repetitive of terms that appear in the title. Those headers as Resumen, Abstract, Introduction, etc. should be separated from the subordinate text with a blank line. On the text, the scientific names of taxa should be underlined, spelled and accompanied by the author's name (not abbreviated) of the respective taxon, and the year of publication, the first time they appear in text. All measurements should agree with the decimal metric system, using the official abbreviations, without point (unless at the end of a sentence). The decimals should be separated by points; the units of thousand should not be separated by a point, but by a space (1 998 m), except for years (1998). Celcius degrees are indicated as "26 °C"; geographical coordinates as "lat 03º0510"N, long 60º1803"W." In the case of referring to pesticides, these should be indicated by their common or technical names (in lowercase) and accompanied by their commercial names (in uppercase and in parenthesis). The terms "Figures" and "Tables" should not be abbreviated the text and with the first letter capitalized. Footnotes must be avoided. The references in the text will be indicated as follows: Batemann (1972), (Batemann 1972), (Olivares and Angulo 1996), (Geraud-Pouey et al. 1997), (Anonymous 1998) or in case of an Institution, with the indicative letters in uppercase, for example: (IUCN 1994). Under References, all the mentioned works should appear in alphabetical order, according to the first author. Names of journals should be abbreviated according to the "World List of Scientific Periodicals." Periods should not be used to separate the abbreviations of the name of a Journal. Examples: