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 Entomotropica > N° 19, Nro. 2 (2004) open journal systems 

Distribuição espacial de Oebalus poecilus (Dallas, 1851) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) durante a hibernação

Regis S Silva dos Santos, Depto. Fitossanidade, UFRGS
Luiza Rodrigues Redaelli, Depto. Fitossanidade, UFRGS
Lucia M Guedes Diefenbach, Depto. Fitossanidade, UFRGS
Helena Piccoli Romanowski, Depto. Zoologia, UFRGS
Honorio F Prando, Epagri/Estaçâo Experimental de Itaja�
Rita de Cássia Antochevis, Depto. Fitossanidade, UFRGS

Oebalus poecilus is considered one of the important pests in rice culture in Brasil. In this paper, the spatial distribution oh this insect during its hibernation in bamboo foliage litter was studied. For the number of insects/sample init, the adjustment of observed frequencies to the expected ones was tested, according to the Poisson, negative and positive binomial distributions; the Morisita and dispersion I indexes, the k parameter of negative binomial distribution and b of the Taylor power law were also obtained. The sample variance was higher than the average in 92,3% of the sampling occasions, with Morisita and I index statistically higher than the unit. From the occasions when the adjustment of obtained frequencies to the negative binomial distribution was tested, we could verify that only in four occasions there was no adjustment for this series. These results evidence that the pest is distributed in aggregated mode in the hibernation site.

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