ENTOMOTROPICA is published by the Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología thrice a year in April, August and December, and the Monographic Series at irregular intervals. Original unpublished works on the tropical entomological fauna will be considered for publishing, following an ample concept of entomology that includes Parainsecta (Collembola, etc.), but also arachnids and myriapods. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least three specialists in the subject. Manuscript authors and reviewers are kept anonymous from each other at all times during the editorial process.
Articles originating from novel investigation that have not been submitted for publication to any other journal.
Short communications (descriptions of novel techniques or equipment, records of new distributions, list of taxa from a given geographical unit or host, observations on unusual pest attacks, records of new hosts, and any other subject derived from observations that do not imply the use of scientific methodology).
Invited reviews of entomological interest (based on current topics, synthesizing and discussing known facts and outlining future lines of investigation).
Book reviews.
Obituaries on entomologists that through their careers made important contributions to tropical entomology.
Costs of publication per page are of US$ 10.00 for members of the SVE and US$ 15.00 for non-members. Fifty free reprints are given to the main author.
Contributions are published in clear and concise Spanish, English and Portuguese.
One original and three copies typed at double space in letter sized paper (210 x 279 mm or 8¼ x 11 in) with 25 mm (or 1 in) margins around all text. All pages, including references, tables and figure captions, must be numbered consecutively on the lower right corner. Electronic submissions are encouraged. MSS should be prepared in Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect in a 3½ diskette, Zip disk or CD formatted for PC (sorry no Macs). These can be sent to our mail address or to our e-mail. Please note that electronic submissions must follow the guidelines outlined below.
- First page: Title, running title, author(s) and address(es). On the upper left should be typed: Submitted to ENTOMOTROPICA. Please point out the corresponding author.
- Second page. Abstract and a Spanish or Portuguese summary, additional key words.
- Third page onwards. Introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions, acknowledgements and references.
- Short communications. Should include only Title, running title, author(s) and address(es), the body text, plus a very short abstract (up to 50 words) and the necessary tables and illustrations.
Title. Should be short and to the point, written out in lower case. Use italics only for scientific names, other text decorations must be avoided. Scientific names must be accompanied by their authors name in full and the publication year separated by a comma.
Author(s). Full names must be provided plus preferred abbreviations. When authors belong to different institutions a number call should be made after each authors last name that corresponds to a numbered call in the addresses.
Address(es). Full addresses should be given, abbreviations are not recommended. Use of emails is strongly encouraged.
Abstract. It should be representative of the MSS and not merely indicative of its content. It must not exceed 150 words.
Additional key words. A maximum of ten alphabetically arranged words not used in the title.
MSS body. It includes Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, and Acknowledgements. All scientific names must be in italics fully spelled out the first time they apper in the MS with their authors name and year of description separated by a comma [ej.: Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758)], afterwards the genus name must be abbreviated and the author and year of description dropped. Plaguicides should be referred by their common or technical names in lower case, and can be accompanied by their commercial names in parenthesis and upper case. Tables are to be presented in place with their corresponding legend, an effort should be made not to duplicate data in tables and in Graphs. For Figures just present the legends where they are to be tentatively placed. The terms Figure and Table should not be abbreviated and the first letter in upper case. Footnotes are not acceptable.
References. In body citations are to indicated as follows: Batemann (1972), (Batemann 1972), (Olivares and Angulo 1996), (Geraud-Pouey et al. 1997), (Anonymous 1998) in the case of institutions with their initials in upper case as: (IUCN 1994). In Under REFERENCES all cited works must be arranged alphabetically according to the first author. Author names must be presentd as: Last name and Initials with no commas or periods, all authors are separated by commas. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the latest issue of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Periods must be dropped form abbreviations. Examples:
[ANONYMOUS]. 1998 jul 18. Nuevo bachaquicida. El Universal (Caracas); Cuerpo 2:4.
GERAUD-POUEY F, CHIRINOS D, RIVERO G. 1997. Dinámica poblacional y daños causados por Gelechiidae minadores en tomate en la región noroccidental del estado Zulia, Venezuela. Bol Entomol Venez NS 12(1):43-50.
BATEMANN MA. 1972. The ecology of fruit flies. Ann Rev Entomol 17:493-518.
OLIVARES TS, ANGULO A. 1996. El órgano timpánico en la clasificación de Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Bol Entomol Venez 11(2):155-183.
[IUCN] International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. 1994. IUCN Red list categories. Gland (Switzerland): IUCN.
22 p.
ROSS HH. 1948. A textbook of entomology. New York: J Wiley. 532 p.
SCHUBERT C. 1980. Aspectos geológicos de los Andes venezolanos: historia, breve síntesis, el cuaternario y bibliografía. En: Monasterio M, editora. Estudios ecológicos en los páramos andinos. Mérida (Venezuela): Univ Los Andes. p 29-46.
PANTCHENKO G. 1978. Arrastre ("Drift") de insectos bénticos en el Río Limón, Edo. Aragua [PhD Dissertation]. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fac Ciencias. 57 p.
- All measurements must conform with the standards of the International System of Units (SI) for more information on format and style please visit http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/. Abbreviations must conform with those standards and at all times periods should be dropped (ej.: m not m., kg not kg.) unless it coincides with the end of a sentence. Celsius degrees are represented: 26 °C.
- Geographical coordinates must be expressed as: lat 03º05'10"N, long 60º18'03"W. Or by its decimal equivalent: lat 3,00278, long -60,00083, using a minus sign (-) to denote South or West.
Photographs, graphs and illustrations
Photographs. We accept paper prints or slides of good quality that clearly show the subject of interest, color reproductions in the paper version of the journal are possible but costs must be fully borne by the authors. There is no added cost for color reproductions in the electronic version. For the electronic submission we prefer JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) or PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Electronic images will not replace the submission of original photos or slides unless a very high resolution (at least 2000 dpi) images are supplied in appropriate storage media (Zip discs or CD).
Graphs. Presented in black and white one per page with their legend on the back, with series markers (for line graphs) and pattern fills (for bar and pie charts) that clearly separate them. For the electronic submission we prefer vector graphics formats like Windows Meta File (WMF), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or CorelDraw (CRD).
Illustrations. Black and white ink drawings on drawing board with their legend clearly typed on the back. For the electronic submission we prefer vector graphics formats like Windows Meta File (WMF), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or CorelDraw (CRD).
For further details on organization and presentation of MSS we recommend to check the latest issue of the journal at entomotropica.org